30dayfitnesschallenge Day2

It’s the end of day two for my fitness challenge and everything is going moderately well. Apart from the fact that I now have a box of malteeser bunnies lurking in my kitchen. So hard to avoid them, I only ate one today.

^i don’t usually have any of that in my house by the way, it’s just that year 12 do Easter fundraisers every year, so I have to sell them at school and around town to raise money. Props :3

Food diary:

Breakfast – Museli and yoghurt with strawberries and banana < the video is on my keek for those of you that follow me, and the picture is in my posts on here. I also have a chai tea at breakfast time as it boosts the metabolism and starts off your 0cal fluids for the day

Lunch- homemade ham cheese and tomato sandwich on wholemeal bread bought from the school canteen for $4. Hey big spender 😉
230ish cals

-Stupid malteeser bunny. Note to all< don't eat chocolate as a snack as it makes you feel hungry sooner. Also it is full of sugar.

*recommended daily intake for sugar a day for women is 50g* so watch our for all those nasty chocolates and sweets

-'natures own' honey museli bar. These are good because they are more satisfying and they taste great for a healthy treat

Dinner- Michelle bridges lamb cutlet meal

*this includes 2 lamb cutlets, beans, and mashed cauliflower.
^my mother and I are currently trying to incorporate the Michelle bridges 12week body transformation into our diets. Check out her website to join up 🙂

Calorie count: 1300ish
*this is my calorie count every day give or take 50 as I check the calorie count for my snacks and am given the count for Michelle bridges meals.

Water – 1.8L

*water is essential in assisting growth and repair of the body as well as helping regulate bodily functions. It is recommended that you have around 2L of water per day (including that found in fruits, vegetables and other foods and beverages)

Keep reading there is more :3

Today is what day?

You guessed it. CARDIO!!!
For cardio I usually do light endurance sessions. Today I did a 6km walk for an hour, burning off a total of 500cals.

Let me know if anyone else is starting up this challenge. I promise to get better at blogging rather than 'diarying' as these progress, so stay tuned and keep motivated 😘✌

Fitness day 1.0

So for those of you who have started reading some of my blogs, today is day one of my fitness challenge.

At the moment it is 2.42pm so I probably won’t upload this until later tonight after I have exercised as I have been at school all day.

Just a handy tip though, for those of you who are at school or start work moderately early in the morning, early exercise isn’t for you. Although you lose more fat in the morning, or so Wikipedia says 😉 you will most likely feel drained for the rest of the day . I recommend cardio at night, starting before 9 , and strength training in the afternoon around 4. This is just me though.

For cardio exercises I’d suggest half an hour for those first starting, and a max of an hour for the more experienced exercises. Doing lots of cardio doesn’t determine how much fat you will lose, rather weight. And for those of you who don’t know the difference, weight is your body weight in total and fat is, well fat . Self explanatory. Doing too much cardio will result in a loss of muscle mass, leaving you looking thin and flabby. Not a good look.

Oh and cardio should be done 3-4 days a week for maximum results. For strength training, try do it on your off days when not doing cardio. Never exercise the same muscle group two days in a row as this wont increase your muscle mass. Muscles need time to rest and recover just like our brains.

More tips
~when trying to lose weight, cut down your calorie count by about 100-500 calories day depending on your weight

I am 120pounds so I aim for about 1300 calories each day however could usually eat 1500. Make sense?

Keep up to date with my other social media sites as I start my fat loss journey to sexy abs 🙂 stay tuned for my late post tonight when I will write up my daily food-calorie diary and exercise routines.

Stay motivated and keep fit 🙂